english version
Clinica a-III-a Obstetrica-ginecologie
Spitalul Clinic de Obstetrica-ginecologie "Elena-Doamna" UMF
"Gr.T.Popa" Iasi
"Spre deosebire de alte mamifere, nasterea la om este dureroasa.
Explicatia consta in faptul ca, pe de o parte craniul sau
a crescut tot mai mult in ultimele sute de mii de ani, iar
pe de alta parte, mersul biped nu mai permite largirea oaselor
bazinului, care marginesc canalul pelvin, pe care fatul il
strabate la nastere. Cu alte cuvinte, dimensiunile craniului
omenesc au atins o limita; un om cu un creier mai mare nu
s-ar mai putea naste decat prin cezariana." (Michael SWORDS)
Ce putem crede despre aceasta afirmatie care ne pune pe ganduri?
Sau ce sa mai credem despre craniul "omului de Mouillans"
descoperit pe tarmurile algeriene a carui capacitate este
cu 30-40% mai mare decat a lui Homo Sapiens Sapiens! Cum s-a
nascut acel om? Toate aceste lucruri, incomode pentru stiinta
actuala, ne indreapta gandurile catre trupul celei care ne-a
dat viata, dupa 9 luni de suferinta, suferinta care nu s-a
incheiat odata cu nasterea, deoarece aceasta, cat si alti
factori, nu putini la numar, pot afecta intr-o masura mai
mare sau mai mica integritatea fizica a femeii.
Prin nastere, femeia se ridica la dimensiuni psiho-sociale
care depasesc `n general contributia barbatului la constructia
societatii si la asigurarea fondului populational viitor.
Sarcina si nasterea sunt fenomene biologice complexe, pe care
numai un organism dotat cu multiple posibilitati de adaptare
le poate depasi, fara ca aceasta perioada sa lase amprente
fizice si psihice evidente. Daca durerea care insoteste actul
parturitiei este "un blestem biblic", pe care medicina moderna
incearca sa-l atenueze, o alta serie de neajunsuri sunt mai
greu de prevazut, chiar daca femeia, in cursul nasterii, se
bucura de ajutor competent si complex. Ea poate ramane cu
invaliditati ce conduc la intunecarea activitatii intime,
cat si sociale. In cadrul tributului pe care femeia il plateste
gestatiei, un loc important revine prolapsului pelvi-perineal.
Cunoscut si diagosticat din timpuri stravechi, prolapsul pelvi-perineal
reprezinta astazi o entitate anatomo-clinica si chirurgicala
relativ bine definita, dar care include o multitudine de aspecte.
Prezenta prolapsului pelvi-perineal implica modificari majore
in via]a sexuala a femeii, uneori cu implicatii psihice si
familiale. Modificarea conditiilor locale duce la imposibilitatea
desfasurarii normale a actului sexual, la lipsa orgasmului
sau diminuarea libidoului, de cele mai multe ori la ambii
Trauma psihica a femeii care realizeaza ca nu mai poate desfasura
o activitate sexuala normala nu este de neglijat. Pe langa
aceste lucruri, se pune si problema de estetica feminina.
Afectarea acesteia prin prezenta prolapsului duce de multe
ori la traume psihice, la sentimente de neputinta si chiar
de desconsideratie si abandon fata de propriul trup. Femeia
suporta un sentiment invalidant, de excludere sociala. Daca
femeile care au nascut raman cu multumirea actului de procreere,
avand totusi un punct de sprijin in cazul unui psihic mai
labil, in schimb prolapsul genital al nuliparelor si virginelor
poate avea implicatii majore in viata femeii. ~n aceasta categorie
se incadreaz\ prolapsul determinat de factorul constitutional,
la care, daca se adauga factori traumatici obstetricali si
de mediu, se poate ajunge la suferinte majore si chiar infirmitati.
Asocierea prolapsului uterin aproape intotdeauna cu prolapsul
urinar si/sau rectal reprezinta un element foarte important
in stabilirea conduitei si aprecierea prognosticului. Prolapsul
pelvi-perineal are un caracter progresiv: cu trecerea timpului,
sub influenta factorilor activi, formele clinice incipiente,
de grade minore sau izolate, trec succesiv in forme din ce
in ce mai avansate si mai complexe. Progresia clinica usureaza
si actiunea factorilor determinanti, modificarile functionale
pelvi-genitale accentuandu-se cu timpul si usurand actiunea
gravitatiei si a presiunii abdominale. Se spune ca: "nu prolapsul
omoara, ci complicatiile si consecintele prezentei lui".
Eduard Crauciuc 3rd Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology
The "Elena Doamna" Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital The
"Grigore T. Popa" University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Iasi
"Unlike other mammals, human delivery is painful. The explanation
resides in the fact that, on the one hand, the human skull
has grown more and more during the past hundreds of thousands
of years and, on the other hand, the bipedal walking does
not allow more dilatation of the pelvic bones, which enclose
the pelvic channel crossed by the foetus. In other words,
the dimensions of the human skull have reached a limit; a
man with a bigger brain could only be born through a C-section."
(Michael SWORDS) What could we think about this troubling
statement? Or what should we believe about the skull of the
"Mouillans man", discovered on Algerian shores, whose volume
was 30 - 40% bigger than that of the Homo Sapiens Sapiens'
skull! How was that man born? All these things, so inconvenient
for the present-day science, make us think about the body
of the women who brought us to life. After 9 months of pregnancy,
their suffering does not end with the delivery process, because
this one and many other factors, as well, may affect more
or less women's physical integrity. By giving birth, women
achieve certain psychological and social dimensions that surpass,
generally speaking, men's contribution to building up the
society and to assuring the future populational fund. Pregnancy
and birth are complex biological phenomena, which only a highly
adaptable organism can overcome, that is, without bearing
obvious physical and psychological marks. The pain that accompanies
the labour is a "Biblical curse" that modern medicine has
been trying to reduce. But apart from that, there is a lot
of difficulties hard to anticipate, even though women are
offered, during delivery, complex professional medical assistance.
These difficulties may lead to certain infirmities, affecting
therefore women's intimacy, as well as social activities.
In respect to the price that women have to pay to pregnancy,
one of the most important issues is the pelvi-perineal prolapse.
Known and diagnosed very long ago, the pelvi-perineal prolapse
is an anatomic-clinical and surgical entity relatively well
defined today, but which also includes a multitude of aspects.
The presence of the pelvi-perineal prolapse entails a series
of important changes in women's sexual life, occasionally
bearing psychological and domestic implications. The modification
of the local conditions leads to the impossibility of normally
performing the coitus, to the absence of climax or to the
diminution of the libido. And, most of the times, this occurs
with both partners. Therefore, women's psychological trauma,
as concerns the impossibility of a normal sexual life, is
not to be neglected. Moreover, there is the issue of feminine
aesthetics. The physical change as a result of the prolapse
leads women very often to psychological trauma, to feelings
of helplessness or even of disdain and abandon towards their
own body. In other words, women experience a feeling of invalidity,
of social exclusion. If women who have given birth find a
psychological support in having children, as far as virgins
and childless women are concerned, the genital prolapse may
have very serious effects. In this context, the prolapse determined
by the constitutional factor, and sometimes by traumatic obstetric
and environmental factors as well, can result in major suffering
or even infirmities. The usual association of the uterine
prolapse with the urinary and/or rectal prolapse represents
an extremely important element in estimating the prognosis
and establishing an adequate medical prognosis. The pelvi-perineal
prolapse has a progressive character: in time, due to active
factors, the incipient clinical forms of minor or isolated
degrees change successively into more and more advanced and
complex forms. This clinic progression facilitates the active
influence of the determinant factors; thus, the pelvi-genital
functional modifications grow for the worse and favour the
negative influence of gravity and abdominal pressure. Therefore,
it is said that "it is not the prolapse that causes death,
but the complications and the consequences of its presence".