1. Autobiographical data
Date and place of birth: 3rd November 1959, city
Botosani, Romania
Present domicile:Sos. Arcu No. 31, Bl. CL5, Sc. A,
Et. 6, Apt. 22, 6600 Iasi, Romania
Tel. ++40-232-212181
Nationality: Romanian - Citizenship: Romanian
Marital status: married since 1985
Wife: Ioana Ramona Crauciuc, born in 1960, physician
Children: 1 son, born in 1990
2. Studies
- 8-years school certificate, obtained in 1974 from
the General Education School No. 11, city Botosani
- High-school-leaving (maturity) diploma, Series A1
No. 100162, obtained in 1978 from the "Mihai Eminescu"
High School, city Botosani, major field: Mathematics &
Physics, average mark 9.66 (highest possible mark: 10)
- Attested qualification: Mechanic Locksmith
- Diploma of Doctor-Physician, Series D No. 1023,
obtained in 1985 from the Institute of Medicine and
Pharmaceutics of Iasi, Faculty of Medicine,
specialization: General Medicine, mark 10 (highest
possible mark: 10)
- Graduation degree:
3. Positions in the sanitary network
- 1985-1988: Trainee physician, Clinical Hospital No.
3, city Iasi
- 1988-1990: Adults' general practitioner, Rural
Hospital, locality Bivolari, county Iasi
- 1990-1991: Resident physician in general practice,
Students' and Schoolchildren's Hospital, city Iasi
- 1991-1994: Resident physician in Obstetrics &
Gynæcology, Clinical Hospital No. 2 "C. I. Parhon",
2nd Clinic of Obstetrics & Gynæcology, appointed by
the Order No. 953 / 08.07.1991 of the Minister of
- 1994-1997: Specialist physician in Obstetrics &
Gynæcology, Clinical Hospital "Elena Doamna", city
Iasi, 3rd Clinic of Obstetrics & Gynæcology, appointed
by the Order No. 240 / 18.02.1994 of the Minister of
Health (integrated with a ½ time quota by the Order of
Appointment No. 32 / 15.02.1994 issued by the Health
Department of the county Iasi)
- Since 1998: Senior Physician in Obstetrics &
Gynæcology, appointed by the Order No. 694 / 1998 of
the Minister of Health
4. Positions in medical higher education
- 1989-1991: Substitute teaching assistant, Department
of Anatomy & Embriology, Institute of Medicine and
Pharmaceutics of Iasi
- 1991-1997: Teaching assistant in ordinary,
Department of Anatomy & Embriology, University of
Medicine and Pharmaceutics of Iasi, instruction field:
General Medicine, as a result of the competitive
examination passed in December 1990
- Since 1998: Teaching assistant in ordinary,
Department of Obstetrics & Gynæcology, 3rd Clinic of
Obstetrics & Gynæcology "Elena Doamna", University
Medicine and Pharmaceutics of Iasi, as a result of the
competitive examination passed in July 1998
5. Examinations and competitive examinations
- 1978: Admission examination as a student at the
Institute of Medicine and Pharmaceutics of Iasi;
admitted with average mark 9.09
- 1990: Competitive examination for the teaching
assistant position; passed with average mark 9.12
- 1990: Residentship competitive examination in order
to be admitted into the speciality; admitted with a
rating of 110 points
- 1993: Doctorate admission competitive examination;
passed with average mark 10
- 1994: Specialist physician examination
- 1998: Senior physician examination
- 1998: Examination for the teaching assistant
position within the Department of Obstetrics &
Gynæcology, 3rd Clinic of Obstetrics & Gynæcology
"Elena Doamna", University of Medicine and
Pharmaceutics of Iasi
6. Scientific research activity
-The abdominal vagus nerve;
-Dynamics of the heart;
-The echo-cardiography;
-The thyroid gland;
-The breathing function;
-Pelvine dynamics and statics;
-General embriology;
-Congenital malformations;
-Computer-assisted quantitative pathology;
During the last time, thanks to the modern endowments
within the Department of Anatomy and Embriology and
the clinics of Obstetrics and Gynæcology, I have
carried out an intensive research activity in the
fields of: embriology, histo-pathology,
computer-assisted quantitative diagnosis, menopause
and pelvine statics troubles.
7. The doctorate
In May 1993 I have passed the admission examination
for doctorate in the speciality of Surgery, under the
scientific guidance of Prof. Dr. Gh. Chipail, M.D.,
and I was admitted with average mark 10 (ten). In
1994, because of the health state of my scientific
guide, I was transferred under the scientific guidance
of Prof. Dr. Gh. Lupascu, M.D., in the speciality of
Obstetrics and Gynæcology. My doctoral dissertation
has the title "Ethio-pathogeny and prophylaxis of the
pelvi-perineal prolapse". This dissertation was
publicly presented on the 26.06.1997 within the
University of Medicine and Pharmaceutics of Iasi.
8. Memberships to scientific or professional
- Member of the Romanian Anatomists' Society
- Member of the Romanian Society of Obstetrics and
- Member of the Romanian Menopause Medical Association
- Honour member of the National Association for
Para-Psychological Applicative Research
- Honour member and founding member of the "Casa
Sperantei" ("Hope House") Foundation of Iasi
9. Post-graduate courses and studies
- Post-graduate course in the specialization field of
Obstetrics and Gynæcology (1991), University of
Medicine and Pharmaceutics of Iasi, Faculty of
Medicine; Diploma No. I 3270
- Post-graduate course in the speciality of
Oncological Gynæcology (1994-1995), University of
Medicine and Pharmaceutics of Iasi, Faculty of
Medicine; Diploma No. M 001425
- Post-graduate course - Academic pedagogical seminar
(Educational psychology, Pedagogy, Speciality teaching
methodology, Special pedagogy, Pedagogical practical
training in speciality) (1995-1996), "Al. I. Cuza"
University of Iasi; Attestation No. 95098 / 12.07.1996
- Users' introductive course in computer engineering
and data processing, Romanian Foundation for Computers
and Data Processing; Attestation No. 322 / 27.09.1995
- Users' introductive course in computer engineering
and data processing, Romanian Foundation for Computers
and Data Processing; Diploma No. 453 / 16.04.1996
- Course of psychanalytical pedagogy - FIPDOR,
- "Silva Method" course; Diploma No. RO 680 /
- Course of Magneto-therapy, Acupuncture and
Phyto-therapy (ANCAP), 23.02.1995
- Course of Reflexo-therapy and Irido-diagnosis
(ANCAP), 20.07.1996
- Course of Clinical Endocrinology (the 15th Symposium
of Clinical Endocrinology, Iasi, 10-12.05.1999)
- Course of nosochomial infections in surgery, June 2000
- Course of echography in obstetrics an gynecology. Diploma S. D, Nr.
0009924, UMF Iasi 2003.